Griffins Gaming Guides

Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Combat Log Collector Guide

Armored Core VI Fires Of Rubicon Combat Log Collector Trophy
Silver Trophy

30 G

Combat Log Collector
Obtained all combat logs.

Here is the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Combat Log Collector Guide which will help you find and acquire every combat log in the game of which there are 80 split across 56 encounters.

Obtaining Combat Logs requires you to take down either a specific enemy or a group of enemies as you progress through the various missions in game.

You will be able to see which missions have Combat Logs by checking the mission information in the Replay Missions section of Sortie, if you have them all for a given Mission it will say complete otherwise it will say Pending meaning you still have more to find.

The Combat Logs are broken down into 4 different categories, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum and they increase your Hunter Class as seen on the right side of the screen in your Garage.

You will need to work through nearly all 3 playthroughs required to see everything Armored Core VI has to offer with the guide following the path towards The Fires Of Raven in your first playthrough, Liberator Of Rubicon Ending on your second playthrough then Alea lacta Est Ending on your third playthrough where you will then, as long as you follow the rest of the Amored Core VI guides, be able to acquire every combat log in the order listed below.

Some combat logs on your first playthrough such as Combat Log 21: Gold Log are incredibly challenging to acquire when you first get to them, not impossible as you will see but a serious challenge so don’t worry if you need to come back, just ensure you do so before the end of your current playthrough to avoid any potential issues that may arise.

The Combat Logs, their missions and the the enemies you need to take down to obtain the Combat Log(s) are as follows:

  1. Combat Log 1: Silver Log.
  2. Combat Log 2: Silver Log.
  3. Combat Log 3: Silver Log.
  4. Combat Log 4: Gold Log.
  5. Combat Log 5: Bronze Log x3.
  6. Combat Log 6: Gold Log.
  7. Combat Log 7: Silver Log.
  8. Combat Log 8: Silver Log x2.
  9. Combat Log 9: Bronze Log x2.
  10. Combat Log 10: Gold Log.
  11. Combat Log 11: Bronze Log x3.
  12. Combat Log 12: Bronze Log x4.
  13. Combat Log 13: Silver Log.
  14. Combat Log 14: Bronze Log.
  15. Combat Log 15: Bronze Log.
  16. Combat Log 16: Silver Log.
  17. Combat Log 17: Gold Log.
  18. Combat Log 18: Gold Log.
  19. Combat Log 19: Bronze Log.
  20. Combat Log 20: Silver Log.
  21. Combat Log 21: Gold Log.
  22. Combat Log 22: Silver Log x2.
  23. Combat Log 23: Silver Log.
  24. Combat Log 24: Bronze Log.
  25. Combat Log 25: Bronze Log.
  26. Combat Log 26: Silver Log.
  27. Combat Log 27: Platinum Log.
  28. Combat Log 28: Platinum Log.
  29. Combat Log 29: Gold Log.
  30. Combat Log 30: Bronze Log x2.
  31. Combat Log 31: Silver Log.
  32. Combat Log 32: Silver Log.
  33. Combat Log 33: Gold Log.
  34. Combat Log 34: Platinum Log.
  35. Combat Log 35: Platinum Log.
  36. Combat Log 36: Gold Log x2.
  37. Combat Log 37: Bronze Log.
  38. Combat Log 38: Bronze Log x8.
  39. Combat Log 39: Silver Log x2.
  40. Combat Log 40: Silver Log.
  41. Combat Log 41: Platinum Log.
  42. Combat Log 42: Platinum Log x2. (New Game +).
  43. Combat Log 43: Gold Log x2. (New Game +).
  44. Combat Log 44: Gold Log. (New Game +).
  45. Combat Log 45: Platinum Log. (New Game +).
  46. Combat Log 46: Platinum Log. (New Game +).
  47. Combat Log 47: Gold Log. (New Game +).
  48. Combat Log 48: Gold Log. (New Game ++).
  49. Combat Log 49: Silver Log. (New Game ++).
  50. Combat Log 50: Platinum Log. (New Game ++).
  51. Combat Log 51: Bronze Log x3. (New Game ++).
  52. Combat Log 52: Silver Log. (New Game ++).
  53. Combat Log 53: Platinum Log. (New Game ++).
  54. Combat Log 54: Platinum Log. (New Game ++).
  55. Combat Log 55: Platinum Log. (New Game ++).
  56. Combat Log 56: Gold Log. (New Game ++).

Whilst the Combat Logs don’t play an important role and as far as I can tell you can’t even view the logs, the gear you get along the way is incredibly powerful as you increase your Hunter Rank so they’re well worth going after.

Combat Log 1: Silver Log

Mission 4: Destroy The Transport Helicopters.

Progress through the mission taking out the Mechs, tanks and Shielded Mechs to where you can ascend the wall. Once you’re up on the higher level you will come up against a tough, optional opponent you will need to be fairly skilled to take down.

The Tetra-Pod will come at you with a very hard hitting railgun attack you need to avoid by dodging to the side, blade attacks that you also need to avoid by dodging backwards and missile attacks that don’t do a lot of damage.

Bring hard hitting weaponry with you such as a bazooka on your left arm for example and only send a missile when the Tetra-Pod isn’t moving around to increase your chances of a hit.

Use homing missiles and target lock to focus fire on the enemy, who, once defeated will award you a Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 2: Silver Log

Mission 5: Destroy the Tester AC.

The 5th mission in the game, Destroy the Tester AC will see you go 1 vs 1 against another Armored Core who can be a challenge if you’re not used to the gameplay.

Avoid the blade strikes and missiles then unload your best attacks whilst staying agile where you will be awarded the Silver Combat Log once you have defeated your opponent.

Combat Log 3: Silver Log

Mission 6: Attack The Dam Complex.

Head through taking out the initial 2 generators, where, to continue the mission you will need to go forward through the canyon. Instead, go right and jump up the frozen dams where you will come up against a Tetra-Pod.

Before you engage the Tetra-Pod, I strongly recommend you jump up to the higher level at the back of the area and take out the 2 Mechs quickly before they can shower you with bullets and rockets which can really impact when fighting a tough opponent like the Tetra-Pod.

Avoid the railgun and blade attacks and use the higher and lower levels of the dams for cover if you need to then use your homing missiles and lock on to inflict damage on the enemy until it falls where you will receive the Silver Log.

Combat Log 4: Gold Log

Mission 6: Attack The Dam Complex.

Towards the end of the mission you will need to use the jump elevator to get high enough to destroy the final generator. Before doing so, you and your team will be ambushed by a powerful Armored Core Unit: Burn Pickaxe / Index Dunham.

Your team will pretty much handle him so ensure you focus fire as you can and hit him with your heaviest attacks and bring the AC down before you destroy the last generator in the mission to earn the Gold log.

Combat Log 5: Bronze Log x3.

Mission 8: Operation Wallclimber.

From the start of the mission, cross the chasm then head over to the left side of the area avoiding the missiles from the Mech at the top of the wall as well as taking down any MT’s you come across.

You’re looking for 3 MT’s surveying a downed AC. Take them out as well as any hostiles in the local area including any turrets on the 2 levels of the wall which may have agrgro’d then interact with the corpse to retrieve the data log which counts as 3 Bronze Logs at the conclusion of the mission.

Combat Log 6: Gold Log

Mission 9: Retrieve Combat Logs.

The Retreive the Combat Log mission actually requires you to find Data Logs, not Combat Logs, however, there is a Gold Combat Log to be acquired in the mission and is done so by taking down Little Ziyi in the large crater in the centre of the area. Given the tight timer, I’ll talk you through the entire mission.

Start the mission, head down into the canyon and acquire the first Data Log taking out the MT’s then drop down into the canyon on your left ensuring you drop the MT on the ledge on the way down and acquire the next Data Log.

Go behind the large black diagonal structure and interact with the next fallen AC where Little Ziyi will spawn in. Take her down quickly as you’re on a strict timer then get back up using the boost pads.

Go left and interact with the next AC taking down the MT’s along the way then finally interact with the large AC and clear the ambush to complete the mission and acquire the Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 7: Silver Log

Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086.

Head through the start of the mission where you will be ambushed by AC: “Invincible” Rummy, take him down to acquire the Silver Log.

Combat Log 8: Silver Log x2

Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086.

Head through the mission to the first door you need to interact with then turn around and head down the tracks dealing with the MT’s and Artillery along the way.

Stay on the left side and drop down to the left when you’re first able and take down the 2 Tetra-Pods that are patrolling. Use the girders as cover if you’re struggling and focus fire on one then the other as best as you can to help half the threat quicker.

Each of the Tetra-Pods will hold a Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 9: Bronze Log x2

Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086.

Once you have taken down both Tetra-Pods as detailed in Combat Log 8: Silver Log x2, head back up to the main path, take a left then drop down to the left when you see the diagonal section of track.

You will encounter 2 Cylindrical MT’s who need taking down. Each of whom will hold a Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 10: Gold Log

Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086.

Head through the door you need to interact with to get inside the facility then drop down through the hole and follow the path around where you will be ambushed by several MT’s. Take them all down then look to you left to see a smelting machine.

Stand on the platform which glows yellow then look to your right to see a vent you can jump into then follow the path around dropping down the chute to a hidden room.

Go towards the chest at the back of the room where AC Nosaac will ambush you. He does have a pulse shield as well as some hard hitting attacks so use either a Pulse Gun or AOE explosives to bring him down where you will acquire the Gold Log.

Combat Log 11: Bronze Log x3

Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086.

Proceed through the mission from where you acquired Combat Log 10: Gold log, cross the gap and use the boost pad to jump up and over the train tracks on your right where you can go through a passage on your right heading left.

In this section you will find 2 Cylindrical MT’s, each of which will drop a Combat Log.

You will, once you engage the 2 Cylindrical MT’s you will be ambushed from behind by another MT who holds the third Combat Log.

Combat Log 12: Bronze Log x4

Mission 14: Ocean Crossing.

Ride the elevator to the top the leave and hug the right wall across the platforms, if you go too far forward the PCA Satellites will annihilate you so stay in then at the end of the path drop down off the ledge to your left and get under the canopy quickly before the Satellites achieve target lock.

In this section, you will encounter 4 small drones, 2 on the outside and 2 in the small tunnel to your right.

You might have to go through the tunnel to make the last 2 drones appear or they could be at the entrance, it all depends.

Each of these 4 drones will hold a bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 13: Silver Log

Mission 15: Steal the Survey Data.

Head through the mission clearing out the MT’s and generic enemies until you get to the first data point you need to retrieve the data from. From here, go towards the next objective where you will come across a Tetra-Pod on the right side of the area.

Take the Tetra-Pod down to acquire the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 14: Bronze Log

Mission 16: Attack The Refueling Base.

Proceed through the mission to the bridge you drop down onto, clear the turrets and the MT’s then drop off the left side of the bridge where you will find several more MT’s.

Killing the MT on the snow covered ledge will award you the Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 15: Bronze Log

Mission 16: Attack The Refueling Base.

After you have taken down the MT and acquired Combat Log 14: Bronze Log, fly over to the right side of the bridge where you will find 2 bridges spanning the canyon.

Look over to the bridge support of the furthest bridge to find a powerful MT you need to take down to acquire the Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 16: Silver Log

Mission 17: Eliminate V.VII.

Cross the city to the first objective being stealthy as you go, taking down any enemy(s) who spot you before they can sound the alert where you will fail the mission.

Once you’re at the objective behind the small building, wait for the dialogue to completely finish then make your way towards where the artillery came from then take a left down the street past the first set of buildings where you will find a Tetra-Pod patrolling.

Take it down without alerting the drones above the city to acquire the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 17: Gold Log

Mission 17: Eliminate V.VII.

Once you have gotten to the first objective marker by stealthily crossing the city taking out any MT’s who spit you before they sound the alert which will fail the mission you will need to go and engage V.VII Swinburne in combat.

Take Swinburne down to acquire the Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 18: Gold Log

Mission 17: Eliminate V.VII.

This Combat Log took me longer to find than probably every other Combat Log up to this point in the game as, for the first time, you have dialogue choices providing you follow a specific path. Up until now, it’s been a case of kill everything in your path without mercy.

To acquire Combat Log 18, however, you need to proceed through the city stealthily, taking care not to trigger the alert and take down any and all enemies who spot you along the way quickly until you get to the first objective.

From here, go over to the new marker and engage V.VII Swinburne as you did to acquire Combat Log 17, however, after you he has topped his health up for the third time, he will then engage a pulse shield. Now for me, I just smashed through it constantly taking him down time after time until my controller battery died on me and I received a new set of dialogue.

As soon as the following dialogue appears, cease fire immediately and allow Swinburne time to speak:

W-Wait! Let’s not do anything hasty!

You realize I lead the Vesper’s 7th squad… which means I hold the purse strings“.

There will be some more dialogue as long as you have ceased fire where you can then choose to Accept or Refuse Swinburne’s request. If you choose “Accept” then Swinburne will leave and you will be greeted by a new enemy who holds the Gold Log: Rokumonson, a very challenging opponent who’s difficulty is purely determined by how well you performed in the fight against Swinburne.

If you have used your repair kits then you’re in for a rough time of it here as Rokumonson hits very hard and has a powerful shield your best gear will struggle to penetrate and the checkpoint puts you back before the Swinburne fight just to up the challenge even more.

For me, I went in with the heaviest armour I could (full tank build) with dual Songbirds (Songbirds Grenade Cannon), the Gatling Gun (DF-GA-08 Hu-Ben) on my right and a Pulse Blade (Vvc-770LB) on my left.

As soon as the fight with Rokumonson begins lock on and fire your back weapons and get a melee hit in as he swoops down on you then get ready for a nasty fight with plenty of trackable explosives, melee attacks, a hard to break through shield all wrapped up in a very agile opponent.

I used the Gatling gun to build up stagger, dual blasts from the Songbirds to stagger him then went in for a hard slash with the blade. This guy took me down 7 times before I got him and it all depends on how well you do against Swinburne as you will be desperate for repair kits after a few seconds against Rokumonson, who, once defeated will award you the Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 19: Bronze Log

Mission 18: Tunnel Sabotage.

Head down into the mine and drop down clearing out the first set of enemies then continue forward onto the first pipe which you need to land on, allow your boost to recharge then boost up to the pipe above you which you can land on.

Go to your left and clear the MT’s where you will find an LC on the upper section firing a strong laser down at you. Fly up and defeat the LC to acquire the Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 20: Silver Log

Mission 19: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City.

Proceed through the mission to the second unit you need to examine then take a direct right to find a circular building with a fast moving MT with energy wings who can be hard to hit so wait for it to swoop down on you then send a few missiles into its face which should do the job.

With the MT down, you will receive the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 21: Gold Log

Mission 21: Eliminate the Enforcement Squads.

This is one of the toughest Combat Logs to acquire in the entire game as you will need to take down a fully geared AC, an Army of MT’s and a very powerful boss all with no checkpoints and just 3 repair kits.

You will need to ensure you do all 3 stages of this mission with a high level of precision and skill if you want to walk away with this Gold Combat Log so ensure the gear you are using is well suited to your playstyle, for me I went for a Burst Rifle (MA-J-200 Ransetsu-RD Burst Rifle), Stun Baton (VP-67EB) and dual Songbirds (Songbirds Grenade Launcher) on my back using fast tank treads with the highest armour I could equip.

The Stun Baton seemed to prove invaluable against the HC at the end of the mission to break through the shield but we’ll get to that. From the start of the mission go over to the right all the way then look down to the left to find Ring Freddie hiding out who is a tough, heavy hitting, fast AC you need to back into a corner, use the Stun Baton to build up stagger then unload the Songbirds into his face several times over to bring him down.

If Freddie gets out in the open the fight becomes a lot harder as you will have to contend with his agility as well as his attacks and in order to walk away with the Combat Log you get once you defeat him, you will of course need to complete the entire mission.

With Freddie down, clear the MT’s head inside and take out the remaining and the HC using the Stun Baton to smash the shield and build up stagger then the rifle and Songbirds to punish when you’re able.

Combat Log 22: Silver Log x2

Mission 22: Attack the Old Spaceport.

From the start of the mission, head right crossing the canyon to the higher section with the fuel storage pods where there will be 2 LC’s waiting for you.

Each of these LC’s will hold Silver Combat Logs.

Combat Log 23: Silver Log

Mission 22: Attack the Old Spaceport.

On the far left side of the area near the back are 3 Warships you need to destroy. If you go to the left area before going to the Warships there will be a solitary LC patrolling.

Take the LC down to acquire the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 24: Bronze log

Mission 23: Eliminate “Honest Brute”.

From the start of the mission, drop down to where the lasers are then either be careful so as not to aggro the machines or trigger a laser and kill them all. The target you are looking for is a Cylindrical MT on the right side of the platform.

With the Cylindrical MT down you will then receive the Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 25: Bronze Log

Mission 23: Eliminate “Honest Brute”.

Once you have taken down the Cylindrical MT and have acquired Combat Log 24, fly up to the platform above you and go to the right to the next platform where there will be a lot more enemies lying in wait.

Go around to the far side of the platform you land on to find another Cylindrical MT lying in wait. Defeat it to acquire the Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 26: Silver Log.

Mission 23: Eliminate “Honest Brute”.

Proceed through the mission to where you will come to a turntable in the centre of a large platform, look straight ahead to find a Tetra-Pod lying in wait, however, you need to be very careful not to knock the Tetra-Pod off the platform as it won’t count as you having defeated the enemy so bait it into the centre of the turntable then annihilate it.

I knocked the Tetra-Pod off on 2 different runs, neither of which awarded me the log, the third time I defeated it properly and obtained the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 27: Platinum Log.

Mission 23: Eliminate “Honest Brute”.

“Honest” Brute is the main boss of mission 23 and is a tough fight as he is equipped with a very hard hitting Flamethrower as well as being fairly agile but the flames are the key to this battle.

Send your rounds / missiles through the fire into the Brute until you bring him down where you will then acquire the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 28: Platinum Log

Mission 24: Defend the Old Spaceport.

You will only have 1 opponent to take down in this mission despite what the briefing tells you and it’s the original holder of your callsign which you obtained back on your first mission.

This guys is tough so bring a blade and go full tank until you manage to bring him down where you will earn the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 29: Gold Log

Mission 28: Explore Underground – Depth 2.

Progress through the mission and take down the AC: G5 Iguazu who you will encounter a few minutes into the mission to acquire the Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 30: Bronze Log x2

Mission 28: Explore Underground – Depth 2.

Cross the chasm using the ledge to avoid the attacks from the Enforcer below then head through the tunnels where you will either get hit by or dodge a powerful laser blast which causes the door to slam shut.

Go into the room immediately to your right where you will come up against 2 hard hitting MT’s, each one of these MT’s holds a Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 31: Silver Log

Mission 29: Explore Underground – Depth 3.

Begin the mission then use the barriers to avoid the Sniper lasers and cross to the platform where they’re firing from waiting or a break in their fire before boosting across.

You need to work your way round anti-clockwise taking out the laser turrets as you go so having some long range gear equipped will help you if you’re struggling to manually aim.

You will see struts connecting the central building and the dish you are on to the cavern walls which have 2 lasers that can fire on either side of them and I recommend dealing with them as a priority.

On the second of these struts will be a PCA Weapon patrolling. Take it down to receive the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 32: Silver Log

Mission 29: Explore Underground – Depth 3.

Once you have Combat Log 31, continue going around the dish anti-clockwise, deal with the laser turrets on the next strut where, on the strut will be another PCA Weapon patrolling.

Defeat the Mech to earn the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 33: Gold Log

Mission 29: Explore Underground – Depth 3.

Near the end of the mission when you have gone through the fusion chamber you will need to destroy the power core keeping the laser grid active. Once you have done so you will be ambushed by a very fast, hard hitting opponent: IA-C01: Ephemera / Enforcement System who is a challenge to take down especially given the fact you only have 2 minutes.

Ignore the 2 minute timer and focus on defeating this guy as the 2 minute timer is actually a lot less than that as it takes into account the time it takes you to disengage the locks as well as getting clear of the structure.

Force stagger the boss then punish him with your best weaponry, where, once you have put him down you will receive the Gold Combat Log. Now get out of there 621!

Combat Log 34: Platinum Log

Mission 30: Intercept the Redguns.

You have an Army to take down in this mission as you seek to wipe the Redguns from Rubicon. You need to take down G1 Michigan who is the main enemy to receive the Platinum Combat Log.

You also have a lot of MT’s, Shielded MT’s, Tetra-Pods and other Mechs throughout the battle before you can take the win here.

Combat Log 35: Platinum Log

Mission 31: Unknown Territory Survey.

There is only 1 real enemy you need to worry about in Mission 31: Unknown Territory Survey and it’s your old pal V.IV Rusty. Take him down to receive the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 36: Gold Log x2

Mission 32: Reach the Coral Convergence.

This is a tough mission and to cement that fact, the first 2 enemies you need to defeat are fully equipped AC’s in G3 HuaHai and V.VI Maeterlinck both of whom can kill you on their own, let alone together.

Use the buildings for cover and focus on taking G3 HuaHai down as a priority which will award you a Gold Combat Log.

Turn your guns on Maeterlinck, avoid the pulse rounds as best as you can to avoid being staggered, deal with any PCA Weaponry that comes your way, stagger and annihilate to earn the 2nd Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 37: Bronze Log

Mission 32: Reach the Coral Convergence.

Continue towards the mission marker then fly over to the bridge on your right and cross the bridge, where, around halfway a rolling Saw will appear which can cause heavy damage.

Bring it down to receive the Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 38: Bronze Log x8

Mission 32: Reach the Coral Convergence.

Once you have obtained Combat Log 37, go to the end of the bridge and look down where you will see 4 rolling Saws sitting there, these are very tough enemies to take down if you drop down so try and snipe them with explosives from the bridge which is tough but you should get 1 or 2.

Drop down and go on the roof of the small building and pick them off. On the building you will have a steady barrage of missiles coming your way, however, the real danger comes if you’re in the water and the Saws slam into you where they can also then lash you with flames dealing increased damage.

There are 7 rolling Saws that will come for you when you drop down if you don’t kill any on the bridge. Each one of these rolling Saws will award you a Bronze Combat Log.

You will also find an eighth rolling Saw under the far side of the bridge who won’t aggro as long as you stay near the buildings so go over and defeat it to obtain the bronze Combat Log ensuring you have all 8 (count on screen or go round the lake to ensure you have defeated every rolling Saw).

I won’t put all 8 Combat Log images in the guide, but here’s a screen shot of the Loghunt progress report from after the mission.

Combat Log 39: Silver Log x2

Mission 32: Reach the Coral Convergence.

Once are done with the 8 Rolling Saws as mentioned in Combat Log 38: Bronze Logs x8 and not before as what you need to take down are tough enough without throwing more enemies into the mix, look to the way you’re supposed to go then stay in the lake and go right to a small cluster of buildings.

In between the buildings is a fallen AC with a Data Log you need to retrieve which will spawn in 2 very powerful Mechs from a bygone era. This pair are tough and the one which spawns closer should absolutely be the priority kill out of the pair.

With the first Mech down, track this strafing Mech who is left and anticipate where it will be rather than aiming for where it is taking into account the travel distance and speed of your rounds to achieve victory.

Each of these 2 Mechs will hold Silver Combat Logs.

Combat Log 40: Silver Log.

Mission 34: Intercept the Corporate Forces.

From the start of the Mission, look directly ahead where you will see a large glass overhang on the left side of the area. Make your way across the rooftops taking out the enemies below where you will encounter a very powerful, fast, hard hitting New LC enemy that moves like a plane as well as being able to hover making it easier to hit.

Wait for this enemy to stop zipping around then unload your best attacks in an attempt to stagger ensuring you have ammo left to follow up whilst avoiding the returning barrage of attacks that seemingly never end.

Put the New LC down to receive the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 41: Platinum Log

Mission 34: Intercept the Corporate Forces.

Work your way through the Mission ensuring you resupply after taking the HC, clear the field where V.I Frued will spawn in who is a tough, agile AC that can stagger you with missiles then kill you with nasty melee attacks so ensure you go for an agile build that can still take some punishment to have an easier time of it here.

For me, I went for dual Earshots (Earshot Grenade Cannon) as well as a Laser Lance (VE-67LLA Laser Lance). If you go for the same type of build, use the Lance to stagger then double Earshots to punish which seemed like a fairly efficient way of dealing with Frued.

Put him down to conclude the mission as well as receive the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 42: Platinum Log x2

Mission: Complete Defend the Dam Complex Mission which is only available in New Game +.

In the Defend the Dam Complex Mission you will initially have 2 AC’s to take down: King and Chartreuse, 2 very powerful AC’s packing some serious weaponry, shielding, defence and teamwork capabilities that can send you back to the checkpoint in around 30 seconds even with full damage mitigation.

For me, I had to upgrade my firepower damage output in OS Tuning using OST Chips you can acquire at the Arena before I could deal any real damage and what makes this Mission even more difficult is the third AC that joins the fight: Raven, the original holder of your call-sign.

Speed is of the utmost importance here to take down either Chartreuse or King before Raven shows up as a 2 vs 1 is manageable, a 3 vs 1 is obtuse so focus fire on 1 opponent and don’t be disappointed if this Mission takes you many attempts before you come out on top.

Both King and Chartreuse both hold Platinum Combat Logs you will acquire when you take both of them down then complete the Mission to bring the logs home with you.

Good luck with this one.

Combat Log 43: Gold Log x2

Mission: Chapter 4: Ambush the Vespers (New Game +).

Ensure you choose the Ambush the Vespers Mission on New Game + which you will need to complete as you work towards the Liberator Of Rubicon Ending and will task you with taking down 2 AC’s: V.VIII Pater and V.V. Hawkins.

The Mission isn’t difficult especially given the fact you have a powerful ally with you along for the ride making the battle even easier to complete. At this point, especially on New Game + you really shouldn’t experience any difficulty taking these 2 down.

Each AC you take down will hold a Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 44: Gold Log

Mission: Unknown Territory Survey in New Game +.

Head down into the depths of Rubicon as you would have done on your first playthrough and engage V.IV Rusty. Halfway through the battle Middle Flatwell will show up and join Rusty in their attempts to bring you down.

Defeat Middle Flatwell to receive the Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 45: Platinum Log

Mission: Eliminate “Cinder” Carla in New Game +.

Proceed through the start of the Mission taking down the PCA Weaponry where you will, after several enemies come up against V.II Snail, a very tough opponent who is as deadly as he is pompous.

Avoid the stun launcher and melee attacks then back him up against a wall and inflict some serious punishment until you bring this commander where you will receive the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 46: Platinum Log

Mission: Eliminate “Cinder” Carla in New Game +.

Continue through to the end of the Eliminate “Cinder” Carla to where you will face off against both Carla and “Chatty” Stick. This is a tough, explosive fight that you may well struggle with.

For me, I used dual Gatling Guns (DF-GA-08 Hu-Ben Gatling Gun) and dual Earshots (Earshot Grenade Cannon) with a fast tank build using the girders around the side of the arena for cover.

Bring “Cinder” Carla down to earn the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 47: Gold Log

Mission: Eliminate “Cinder” Carla in New Game +.

Once you have taken down “Cinder” Carla obtaining Combat Log 46: Platinum Log you will then need to turn your attention to Chatty who is a very agile hard hitting opponent who is very well equipped to take you on regardless of your build.

Knock him off the gantry down to the arena below then follow him and punish until he’s down where you will then obtain the Gold Combat Log.

Combat Log 48: Gold Log

Mission: Attack the Dam Complex in New Game ++ (Playthrough 3).

Destroy the first 2 generators then try to cross the lake where you will be stopped by Walter with an encoded message from the Rubicon Liberation Front asking you to take out the 2 Redguns you are with. Your allies.

You will need to click accept where your new target objectives will become the 2 Redguns and they can be a challenge if you get boxed in. Focus on taking down G4 Volta to receive the Gold Log then take out G5 Iguazu to conclude the Mission.

Combat Log 49: Silver Log

Mission: Chapter 1: Prisoner Rescue (New Game ++).

If you take North as the direction you face when you start the Mission, head North West along towards the starting point of the Destroy the Transport Helicopters Mission in Chapter 1 where you will find a lone Tetra-Pod patrolling.

Take it down as quickly as you can as you still need to complete the Mission by keeping the transport chopper alive so getting back to it before the MT’s on the ground start firing is imperative.

With the Tetra-Pod taken down, you will then receive the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 50: Platinum Log

Mission: Chapter 1: Prisoner Rescue (New Game ++).

Once you have successfully escorted the transport chopper to the end of the mission you will then be ambushed by a good number of Redguns as well as an AC: G2 Nile.

Take him down which is a mandatory part of the Prisoner Rescue Mission to earn the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 51: Bronze Log x3

Mission: Stop the Secret Data Breach, New Game ++ Mission.

Head through the first gate then clear the drones where, if you look over to your right you will see a smelter dropping molten metal out from the spout. Land on the platform then look to your right to see an open pipe you can jump through which will be easier with smaller builds although large ones can fit as well.

Follow the chute down to the lower level to find a secret room, take out the suicide drones then destroy the 3 Dozer MT’s with each one dropping you a Bronze Combat Log.

Combat Log 52: Silver Log

Mission: Stop the Secret Data Breach, New Game ++ Mission.

As you make your way through the gates you will come up against a Tetra-Pod which on some occasions is in plain sight, other times it is hiding so ensure you use your scanner to find it which will more than likely pick up the enemy through a wall.

For me, it was on my way to the fourth hacking Drone down a corridor I had to travel through. I have repeated this Mission several times and it seems the Tetra-Pod is in a random location but always on the inside of the facility and always towards the back of the area so have a good search around using your scanner and you’ll find it soon enough.

Take the Tetra-Pod down to acquire the Silver Combat Log.

Combat Log 53: Platinum Log

Mission: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City on New Game ++.

Play through this Chapter 3 Mission as you usually would, except at the end of the Mission, you would usually take on a Combat Helicopter which is instead replaced by a powerful AC: Thumb Dolmayan.

Take him down to learn more about Coral assimilation as well as earning a Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 54: Platinum Log

Mission: Underground Exploration – Depth 2  during New Game ++.

Head through the Mission as you usually would to the ramped room where G6 Iguazu usually ambushes you except on New Game ++ G5 Iguazu has been replaced by Coldcall, a very hard hitting, agile AC..

Take him down using the same tactics you will have implemented in taking down G5 Iguazu using as much gear as you need to as there is a Sherpa at the bottom right of the ramp once Coldcall is down and you have received the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 55: Platinum Log

Mission: Chapter 4, Eliminate V.III on New Game ++.

You will, after completing the 3 initial Underground Exploration Missions on New Game ++ need to choose the Eliminate V.III Mission as you work towards the Alea Lacta Est Ending.

Take V.III O’Keefe down to earn the Platinum Combat Log.

Combat Log 56: Gold Log

Mission: Chapter 5, MIA which you will come to as long as you have been going for the Alea lacta Est Ending.

Proceed through the Mission to the tunnel where the enemies need defeating for the door to open allowing you outside. Before going through the door go right into the room then drop down through the hole in the floor where there will be several PCA Weaponry mechs you need to take down with your newly acquired “ally”.

Wait around for a few seconds until G6 finishes his dialogue where he will then ambush you so put him down to acquire the Gold Combat Log.

That’s how to acquire all 80 Combat Logs throughout Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon, which one did you find the mot challenging to acquire?

That’s the Armored Core VI: Fires Of Rubicon Combat Log Collector guide complete, I hope it helped you obtain all combat logs.
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