Griffins Gaming Guides

Fortnite Talented Builder Guide

Fortnite Talented Builder trophy
Silver Trophy

40 G

Talented Builder
Built 500,000 Structures in successful missions

Author: tph_dragon.
Genres: Action Adventure.

Here is the Fortnite Talented Builder guide which will help you build 500,000 structures in successful missions which is the longest task you will face in the entire game.

A structure is one wall, pyramid, floor or stair, or a trap if it is not placed on a structure. Each structure costs 10 materials to build (less with constructors), so in total it will require 5,000,000 building materials.

Structures built by anyone count towards your progress in a mission. During the Twine Peaks quests, you will likely have to build over 100 structures just to defend your objective.

I like to go around the map activating team boosts while teammates build the defences. That way I am still contributing, but I earn progress without spending my own materials. Progress is not lost if a structure is broken.

Eventually it will be necessary to upgrade your structures to succeed in missions, these upgrades do not count as progress. In the end game you will be able to hold up to 5,000 of each material at a time (wood, stone, metal).

Once I figured out all these methods and tips (around 10% completion), I was always at least 3% ahead of any of the other grindy trophies. Note that it has to be a successful mission. If you fail, you lose any progress made in that mission. Here are some general tips to help:

Methods Of Building:

  • Because the Ninja has a double jump, I highly recommend using them as you can double jump backwards and place a ton of structures around you in a line. You basically want to build three sides of a room around you, with a second floor, as you keep moving backwards.
  • Another method I have found is to build a tower around yourself up to the sky limit and then, jumping off while holding the build wall button down aiming at the side of the wall.
    A floor of the tower would be 6 (4 walls, 1 pyramid, 1 ceiling) structures, plus the 1 structure on the outside as you fall back to the ground. This is also useful for ninjas as they don’t take fall damage, but there is also no real penalty for dying.
  • A third method I use is to build a “quad staircase” up to the sky limit. Place two stairs side by side and then do the same behind that. Then start moving up the stairs holding the build stair button down while rotating your right stick in a small circle. This will build 4 stairs in quick succession (2 below you and 2 above you).
    Once you reach the top, start sliding down in the centre of the two stairs and move your camera to one side. Then hold down the build wall button and you will start building as you descend to the bottom.
  • There is a long process you can follow to build an afk farm, though if you are following all the little tips throughout the game it is unlikely you will need this.

Small Tips That Will Go A Long Way:

  • If you are in a mission like “Resupply” or “Eliminate and Collect,” you will usually have a few minutes of sitting around waiting for it to end. If you have a teammate, just start building around them. Sometimes they will start building with you because they are bored.
  • In storm shield defence you technically have unlimited material before you start. If you break a structure you get the material back but keep the progress.
    Take a few minutes to just build a large tower then destroy it, then start building for the actual mission. If you wanted to spend hours doing this, you could probably get thousands done at a time, but beware of the game crashing or you losing the mission.
    This also works for endurance missions, which you unlock once you complete storm shield defence 10.
  • You’ll eventually unlock “expeditions” in the “heroes” section of the menu. These will allow you to send your heroes out on real life timed missions. You can have 2 of each transportation going at once (boat, van, plane) for a total of 6 expeditions active at a time. Some expeditions cost research points, so I like to start them before spending my points.
    Try to send heroes out on expeditions that give material or supply crates. The chance of success is the combined Power Level of the heroes you send out compared to the Power Level needed to succeed. If an expedition requires 90 PL, then your heroes need to add up to at least 90 PL to be 100% successful.
    Please note, while it is possible to get survivors in expeditions, they do not count towards Guardian Angel.
  • Constructors have the “B.A.S.E.” ability, and, combined with the “recycle” perk give the player a trap to put down that will start generating building materials based on the surrounding structures and how upgraded they are. You can take the materials from someone else’s B.A.S.E. but you would have to deal with the guilt of being a bad person.
  • An ability that everybody has is “supply drop” that allows you to call in a blue crate every 6 minutes. Fully upgraded, this crate will give you 85 of each material, along with some other things. It is highly recommended you keep this perk on unless you are doing a mission like storm shield defence where you want to just succeed.
  • People in Deliver the Bomb missions will usually feel compelled to build a tunnel to protect the bomb (even though RaY says it is not necessary). This would be a good time for you to build around site B where the final defence will take place.
  • I have a friend who plays the Battle Royale but does own this mode, and unlocked expeditions. Every time he opens Fortnite I have him claim and restart expeditions and after a few days I’ll play a single mission with him and have him spam structures for me.
  • There are some constructors that can halve the amount of material needed to build a structure.
  • Stacks of bricks and stacks of metal pipes that you can search will give a lot more for searching than for destroying. Stacks of wooden planks that you can search also give a lot of wood.
  • Stacks of wooden pallets (looks like two pallets next to each other, or maybe one really wide pallet) that can not be searched, can be destroyed for nearly 100 material each time. Which is a lot for destroying one item.
  • Clearing any single encampment from enemies will give a small reward, one you can see above the encampment at any time until it is destroyed, and this includes building materials. Always collect these as they usually give at least 80 of whatever material it has.

You can check your progress at any time via the “challenges” drop down menu in your quest log. This is accessed at the menu and in game. You can also pin the challenge so you can see it on the side of your screen in mission and on the world map screen.

That’s the Fortnite Talented Builder guide complete I hope it help you build 500,000 structures in successful missions.
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